Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of services do you offer?
The technicians we collaborate with offer plumbing and electrical services. Plumbing Services1. Water Heater, 2. Overflow, 3. Leak Detection, 4. Blocked Drains, 5. Air Conditioning, 6. Boiler Repair, 7. Toilet Repair, 8. Drainage. Electrical Services1. Storage heaters, 2. Power showers, 3. Safety alarms, 4. Test certificates, 5. Electrician Repair, 6. Electrical Rewiring.
How do I book an appointment?
Booking an appointment has never been easier with our convenient and accessible options. Whether you prefer to speak with a live representative, we are here to assist you 24/7. If you need immediate assistance, our 24 Hour Emergency Helpline is available for any urgent appointments or inquiries. Simply give us a call at 01323885669 and our dedicated team will be ready to help.
How does it take for a technician to come to my address in case of an emergency?
In many cases, technicians are committed to arriving at your address within a specific timeframe, typically ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour. This ensures that help is on its way without unnecessary delays. However, it's important to note that response times may vary depending on factors such as location and availability of technicians.
How much does Technician Near Me charge per hour?
You can find the prices of the services the technicians offer listed in this link: Rates